In this post, you’ll discover five reasons as to why you’re not losing weight while on the ketogenic diet.

Meal frequency

First of all, starting the ketogenic diet, or if you’re someone who’s been keto-adapted for a while then basically what we have to look at is maybe you’re just eating too often.

So what we can do is, we can actually start implementing intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is going to be powerful. You can start with two meals a day, and you even can go down to one meal a day. If you’re someone who’s just not losing weight regardless of how good you’re following the ketogenic diet start implementing intermittent fasting. Go down to two meals a day, or just one meal a day, and that’s gonna be really powerful.

Too much fat

If you’re following the ketogenic diet. Once your key to adapted then what happens, you’ll actually start burning fat more efficiently. So what happens, and this is why it’s confusing; is that when you’re on the ketogenic diet you’re, supposed to be eating a lot of fat. But when you are fat adapted, you’ll start burning all that dietary fat that you’re consuming and not the fat on your body. So basically, when we look at the ketogenic diet, we want to actually cut back on fat once we are adapted.

And the other thing too is that when we look at other macros, we want to make sure that we are not getting too much protein. Because It can turn the sugar in our body and actually start kind of throwing us out of ketosis. And we also want to make sure that we are not consuming too many carbs so basically, you know too much fat is the common thing that people mess up, just because they’re trying to throw in more and more fat, thinking it’s gonna help them in ketosis. But the problem is that your body will just keep burning that, and not the body fat. And we want to switch to body fat. So cut down on the fat and you should start seeing some good results.

Physical activity

This is a big problem. A lot of people will work office jobs, desk jobs, and they just don’t have a lot of physical activity in their life. So increasing physical activity is not only gonna boost good hormones, like testosterone and growth hormone, but it also is going to really really skyrocket fat burning.

Now, we recommend typically for people who are doing the ketogenic diet. Do high-intensity workouts done in a short duration. It might only be done in 20 minutes but it’s very high intensity. So really, what it does is it burns through any glycogen stores you have, and it really pushes fat burning. Anyway, increasing your physical activity, and also doing high-intensity interval training; not even necessarily every day, but every other day, is really going to skyrocket fat burning.

Sleep & stress

Now, these two kinds of go together. When we look at stress, it typically turns into a lack of sleep. If it spirals out of control but what really happens here is it causes hormone imbalance. And it skyrockets this hormone called cortisol. When you have an increase in cortisol in the body, essentially what happens is it actually blocks and blunts the fat burning.

So anyway, what we want to do is make sure that we’re decreasing stress, we’re getting adequate sleep. And then that way we’re going to decrease cortisol in the body, and it’s gonna allow us to actually burn that fat, and get the results that we’re looking for.

Health conditions

So if you’re someone who has thyroid issues, if you have hyperinsulinemia, if you have PCOS, if you have depression, if you have different health issues, going on these can actually slow down the weight loss.

So the big thing is that we have to be persistent here. The other thing is that you have to be patient because they can slow down this whole process. You just might take a lot longer to get results.

Here’s the deal, is that from day one, when you start the ketogenic diet and you start living a healthy lifestyle, good changes are occurring in your body. You’re going to decrease inflammation. You’re going to start the process of healing within your body. The good news is, is that the healing process is started.

Typically on the ketogenic diet, PCOS starts to reverse hyperinsulinemia starts over. So a lot of great things are happening, and a lot of great changes are still occurring. Maybe just not weight loss. Remember, if your body is in an unhealthy position, and if you’re overweight it didn’t happen overnight. To be sure to make sure that you’re giving the ketogenic diet and healthy living strategies the option and chance to actually go in and make a change in your body. We always say that even though you’re not losing weight, there are still good things happening from day one. So always be aware of that and there are changes occurring in your body. Just be patient with it. Just let them ride out and offer you those long-term benefits they have to give.