If you have too much acne and you have to get rid of them, here are our 4 tips that you should add to your lifestyle to remove acne forever.
Sugar feeds yeast and it feeds candida, so we’ve got to get the sugar out of your diet. We recommend getting sugar out and replacing it with stevia. Stevia is an all-natural, low-calories/no calorie sweetener that you can use instead. So use stevia. If you want to use something that actually has sugar and you’re baking or cooking, use raw honey. Raw honey is going to be your best overall sweetener with sugar if you’re trying to get rid of acne.
The next food you must get out of your diet to overcome acne is reducing your grain intake, especially gluten. Gluten can cause inflammation of your intestinal tract. When you have inflammation of your gut it actually shows up on your skin. A lot of people think when you have acne or a problem like eczema, that’s just a skin issue. No, that’s an intestine issue, that’s a gut issue. If we can heal your gut, if we can kill off the bad bacteria, your acne and problems like eczema would disappear forever.
We are also talking about really lowering your fruit intake as well, really only consuming berries in moderation for a time being. Lowering your fruit intake, getting rid of grains or lowering grains, or at least going gluten-free with your grains.
Then the last thing here is staying away from hydrogenated oils. Obviously, bad fats increase the amount of oil your sebaceous glands on your skin really start to produce. So again, getting those bad fats out.
If you can do those dietary changes, get the sugar out. Rather than using grains, using products with coconut flour or almond flour are good options rather than hydrogenated oils. Switching over to coconut oil is a great option for getting rid of acne.
Foods to eat
Three main foods you want to be getting in your diet -:
- Foods that are high in fiber. Fiber can actually reduce acne and actually kills off bad bacteria in your gut, increases the growth of good bacteria known as probiotics which are very important. So fiber is really important to get in your diet. Your best sources of fiber are going to seed like chia seeds and flaxseeds, also nuts like almonds. Those are some great options. And then vegetables. Vegetables and sprouted nuts and seeds will help you get rid of acne. Another important aspect of getting rid of acne for good is balancing out your blood sugar levels. If you’re consuming a lot of sugar it’s going to cause your blood sugar to go up and down. That causes bad bacteria to grow, also causing acne.
- Consuming more protein. Getting good quality protein sources like organic chicken and turkey, grass-fed beef, wild caught fish, organic eggs, these are all great sources of protein, even sprouted brown rice protein. Getting some good protein in your diet will balance out blood sugar levels and help you get rid of acne.
- Consume healthy fats. The best sort of fat for getting rid of acne is coconut oil. You would get all other oils out of your household. You should use coconut oil for all of your cooking and for almost everything you’re doing. Coconut oil also has antimicrobial properties, which means it’s going to kill off bad bacteria in your body which is going to fight off acne.
Supplements for fighting acne
Probiotic supplement
Probiotics kill off the bad bacteria in your gut and really also help boost your immune system. Part of acne can be caused by intestinal problems, and 80% of your immune system is located in your gut. So if you can be consuming probiotic-rich foods like cultured vegetables, kefir, yogurt, amasi, different products that are higher in probiotics, that’s going to help big time in taking a good quality probiotic supplement.
Zinc helps repair your gut lining and naturally boosts your immune system. Taking about 50 milligrams of zinc a day is very effective in fighting acne.
We believe the one that is most effective is elderberry. You can buy elderberry syrup or elderberry extract. Put a tablespoon of that in your smoothie every morning for breakfast
Candida cleanse
That’s basically where for about a week straight you basically get all sugar out of your diet, all grains out of your diet and really consume a diet high in probiotics, high in certain other foods like fiber, but really, this how you should be eating on a daily basis in general. Last but not least, when you’re using a face wash, go and buy tea tree oil face wash. Tea tree oil is completely natural. It’s an essential oil and it kills off bad bacteria on your skin and moisturizes at the same time.