If you are not losing fat or you want six packs then here are 4 scientific proven tips that will surely work for everyone.


There’s an old saying in the fitness industry that “abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym” and it is mostly true. It doesn’t matter how much you work out or how many sit-ups you do if you are carrying extra body fat you are never going to have or at least show a six-pack. Eating your diet in order and losing weight and body fat is essential if your goal is to have a six-pack and you need to start by figuring out how many calories you need each day so you can manipulate them to work in your favor. There are a lot of online calculators you can use to calculate your daily calorie needs.

Add a zero to your body weight and then add two more of your total weight amounts to it for example I currently weigh 160 pounds so I would need 1,600 plus another two times 160 which is 320 this comes out to 1920 calories which is a super rough estimate and will vary a lot on your activity level body fat and other things.

Now, that we have the mass out of the way and know how much you need to eat. It’s time to manipulate your calories to lose weight. The best way to encourage weight loss is through a combination of eating fewer calories and exercising more. This will create a calorie deficit that forces your body to burn stored body fat.

One of the best exercises to encourage weight loss is high-intensity interval training. This kind of cardio takes advantage of using high and low-intensity exercise to raise your metabolic rate for longer, helping you burn more calories and fat over the course of the day rather than just when you are exercising. It may seem a little counterproductive to focus on cardio when you’re trying to get a six-pack but unless your body fat levels are low enough to see the six-pack. You’ll never have that look you want in addition to reducing your daily calories. It’s also a good idea to increase the amount of protein that you eat each day.

Protein is one of the main macronutrients and has many jobs in the body including movement and building and repairing muscle tissues. Many people tend to focus on the number of carbohydrates they eat but when you are trying to build muscle increasing your protein intake is the way to go. If you’re trying to build muscle it is recommended that you eat between 1 to 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Training abs perfectly

The biggest complaints that many people have is they can’t see their abs despite hours of training and a strict diet. They do both of these things but they still can’t see their abs.

There are a number of reasons why you can’t see your abs but a lack of definition generally comes down to two reasons -:

  1. You have too much body fat.
  2. Your muscles are weak and small.

If your goal is to achieve a six-pack then you must lose weight and lower your total body fat levels. Otherwise, you’re wasting your time training and you’ll never see the results of your efforts in the mirror if that’s what you’re looking for.

However, if your body fat levels are already low and you still can’t see your abs then you need to build your muscles so that they stand out the section of muscles you see in a six-pack. The part that bulges out is called the muscle belly. If this is small weak and undefined then your abs will not stand out even if your body fat levels are low to make that ABS stand out you need to train them to increase the size of the muscle belly. Especially in your rectus abdominals the muscle that gives the six-pack its look.

So for your abs to show you’re going to have to get rid of a bunch of other body fat on your body as well which is why a lot of people give up early. They do crunches expecting their stomach fat to go away, when in reality the body is taking the fat from the rest of their body as well they want 10 pounds to drop off their stomach. When in reality two pounds is coming off their stomach, one pound off each arm, and three off each leg. They just don’t see the results.

There are some other reasons why you may not see your abs -:

  • That you only do one type of Ab exercise to really sculpt your abs you need to work on all of your ab muscles. This means your rectus abdominis your external and internal obliques that run along the sides of your waist and your transverse abdominis which is deep inside your belly and wraps right around your stomach from one side to the other. This is the muscle you feel when you pull your belly button back to your spine.
  • You’re not training hard enough. Your abs are like any other muscle group you have to train them regularly and correctly. If you want to make them bigger there are a plethora of AB and core exercises out there that you can use to build add muscle. The same way you would use any other workout for your other muscle groups.
  • You’re training your abs every day. You’re not seeing your abs is that you wouldn’t train your legs and your shoulders every day without a rest so why would you train your abs every day. Training your abs really hard every day can lead to overtraining and this results in less definition rather than more. Some people are really dedicated for a week and they just train their abs so hard but the trick isn’t in doing a whole bunch of work at once. It’s to stay persistent it’s going to be at least a month before you see great results on your abs.

Genetics role play

Normally genetics are used as an excuse but when you’re trying to get a six-pack. Genetics can affect your results. Sculpting your six-pack depends on the size of your muscles and the length of your tendons. Some people are lucky enough to naturally have larger muscles that stand out even if they don’t train a lot. Even if you aren’t blessed with large muscles, you can train them and increase their size it will just take more work. The bigger the muscle belly of your abdominals the more they will bulge out but sculpting.

Your six-pack isn’t just about how big your abs look. It’s also about how they sit and this is where genetics really plays a part the tendons that join the muscles together are responsible for how close or apart your muscles sit. Longer tendons leave a large gap between the muscles and shorter tendons to bring your muscles closer together.

Sadly there’s not much you can do about the size of your tendons but you can at least train your muscles. So they stand out and look good. One way to do this is to keep the range of movements as small as you perform ab exercises. When you focus on short-range movements at high repetition you create higher peaks in your muscle belly, this makes them look fatter so they stand out more they will push out of your stomach further and have deeper valleys. Performing short-range movements is simple just squeeze your abs during each exercise.

Best exercises to build a six pack

Here, you should read these few tips before you do exercises -:

  • Train your abs like any other muscle. Plan your workouts and aim to do a full ab workout, at least twice a week.
  • Compound exercises, such as squats deadlifts and overhead press. All engage your abs so be sure to keep your abs strong by pulling your belly button to your spine. When performing these exercises a lifting belt may be needed as an aid. It is okay to use.
  • Include some high-intensity interval training. Add it Once or twice a week to help keep your body fat levels low and keep it watch on your calories.
  • Work every part of your abs and don’t forget your back. You need to work your transverse abdominis obliques and rectus abdominus if you want to get your six-pack. There’s nothing worse than the pain associated with opposing muscles that are out of balance.

The following nine exercises are the best for developing your entire abdominal section.

  1. Hanging leg raises. This works your lower abs and can be performed as hanging knee raises. If you don’t why have the strength to perform normal leg raises.
  2. Medicine ball crunch. Adding weight to the standard crunch, ups the intensity by making your abs work harder.
  3. Standing cable crunch. Changing the angle on the standard crunch stimulates your muscles and varies your results.
  4. Kneeling cable wood chop. This move targets your obliques and transverse abdominis as well as your rectus abdominis.
  5. Decline bench crunch with a medicine ball. The decline position engages your lower abs while the weight increases the intensity of the exercise.
  6. Decline Russian twist with a medicine ball. Russian twists are amazing for working your obliques perform them in the decline position to really sculpt your obliques and feel the burn.
  7. Dumbbell squats. It’s really easy to think of squats is just a leg exercises but if you do them correctly they fully engage your whole core they also accurately build your back muscles at the same time.
  8. Ball pike. The pike is a great exercise for your inner core and performed with your feet on the ball you also have the option of adding a twist to target your obliques.
  9. Plank. Planks are tough but wonderful, you cannot seriously train your core without adding the plank. Most athletes add them towards the end of a workout take things up a notch by placing your feet on a chair or exercise ball you can even perform side plank to activate your obliques.