Having high insulin is not a good thing. It’s going to lead to fat storage. It’s gonna lead to obesity. It’s gonna lead to cancer heart disease, diabetes and in so many other degenerative diseases. So we want to really focus on bringing those insulin levels down. Here are the top 10 strategies to lower your insulin levels.

Ketogenic or low carb diet

When we say low carb diet, it typically allows a little bit more carbs in the ketogenic diet itself but what it’s going to do is gonna improve insulin sensitivity. You’re gonna be removing those refined carbohydrates out of your diet, you’re also going to be removing the sugar from your diet and then as a result of following that ketogenic diet. You’re basically increasing your fat content, when you increase fat content for one it’s more satiating so you don’t have to eat as much but the other thing that’s great about it is that when you combine fat with about any other food it helps keep your insulin and blood sugar levels more stable.

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is powerful in a couple of ways. So, first of all, we’re doing regular 16 and 8 intermittent fasting. You know you’re basically skipping breakfast and then you’re driving those insulin levels down super low for 16 hours. It is really powerful when it comes to overall healing in the body.

If you’re doing the one meal a day program which will drops your insulin levels for about 22 hours a day, so that’s even more powerful. Doing intermittent fasting or one meal a day is really really great for just driving that insulin level really low in the body.

Apple cider vinegar

Now everybody loves apple cider vinegar and so basically the reason for this is research proven to help you lose weight, balance your blood sugar, drive insulin levels down, balance the body’s pH, and a lot of great things happening here with apple cider vinegar.

So basically, research shows us that if we consume two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar pre or post meal that it’s going to really help keep your insulin levels low in your blood, sugar levels low.

Removing sugar

This is really important. When we look at removing the sugar, we mean there are so many people who are over-consuming sugar in a huge way. When we look at sugar in nature you know we don’t just ever see you know some sort of fruit that has excessive sugar in it without anything else and it always has fiber involved in. So we want to make sure that when we look at sugar in general that we are looking at labels and we’re decreasing our sugar and take that way by reading the labels. We also want to make sure that we’re not scooping sugar out of the sugar bowl and decreasing sugar that way.

Then as a result of that we’re going to find that we’re driving those insulin levels low and we also want to make sure that we’re not going and consuming a highly processed sugar like high fructose corn syrup that just really skyrockets blood sugar skyrockets insulin really bad stuff so make sure that you’re removing sugar.


Cinnamon is awesome. We mean you can actually take cinnamon, you can add it to some apple cider vinegar and you have like an incredible recipe for success when driving insulin level low. Cinnamon itself is going to help improve your insulin sensitivity here and also decrease your insulin levels.

So cinnamon is very powerful been used for many years in traditional medicine as well and so we want to make sure that we use cinnamon in order to actually go and drive down the blood sugar and insulin levels.

Remove refined carbs

So we want to make sure we’re removing those refined carbohydrates. You know we’re thinking pasta, we’re thinking bagels, white bread, we’re thinking all these different refined carbohydrates that are destroying your health. We want to remove those because when we eat all those refined carbs it leads to weight gain and it also leads to insulin sensitivity issues. So removing those from the diet following a low carb of the ketogenic diet is very powerful.

Physical activity

So people who do physical activity are proven to have much lower insulin levels in the research and so two great ways that are actually researched proven to lower those insulin levels are gonna be high-intensity interval training and basically, high-intensity interval training is where you’re doing a very highly intense exercise for a short duration. So let’s say doing sprints for 20 minutes that would be an example of high-intensity interval training is really great.

Then also resistance training as well so that basically means like weightlifting. So adding in that physical activity it’s gonna be very powerful for driving insulin levels lower.

Trans fats & hydro oils

We have to make sure that we’re pulling these out of our diet. When we think of trans fats and hydrogenated oils were thinking of all these processed foods that are in the stores and basically they use it in order to increase shelf life. Now a lot of hydrogenated oils and trans fats are also used in restaurants because first of all, they’re cheap but also you know they can be used again and again in the fryer in order to you know to save money. So we have to always remember that they caused inflammation they caused insulin sensitivity issues as well.