You believe it or not, alcohol is a big part of our society. Many of us enjoy it responsibly, and others not so much. In this article, we are going to share 7 myths about alcohol.

1. Aspirin before drinking prevents hangovers

This first one claims that by taking a pain killer like aspirin before a heavy night of drinking, it will reduce that awful feeling you get the next morning. But it’s not the truth.

  • Firstly, No pain killer should ever be taken when they’re not needed.
  • Secondly, Ibuprofen relieves pain for three to four hours. So if you take it the night before, how could it help the next morning?

In addition, these pills can actually cause liver inflammation and erode stomach lining when combined with alcohol. So avoiding it when you’re drinking. In the end, taking pain killers before drinking does nothing for a hangover.

2. Eating before bed will prevent hangovers

Most people think that after the night of drinking, eating a late-night snack like burger or pizza is the way to stop hangover. But again, it’s just a myth.

The alcohol’s already absorbed into your system long before that late-night snack. So next time, be smart and eat before you drink. You’ll still get drunk as normal, but it will help slow down the alcohol absorption.

3. High tolerance means it takes more to get drunk

We all have that friend or family member, who says “Bro, I can drink a whole 24-pack in a night”. They claim that it takes more alcohol to get them drunk, but is there any truth to it? Well, no.

Tolerance towards alcohol does exist, but it doesn’t change the amount that it takes to get you legally drunk. All that it means is that it takes more alcohol 4than normal to make you feel drunk.

4. Mixing energy drinks with alcohol makes you drunk faster

It’s becoming more and more popular for people to order an energy drink with their alcohol. In fact, there are some energy drinks that you can buy right now in the liquor store with alcohol mixed in them.

When you think about how you get a buzz off of drinking alcohol and get a rush from energy drinks, it’s easy to assume combining the two will create an upcharged beverage, and this is actually widely believed.

However, all the energy drink does is hide the effects of alcohol that make you sluggish. It does not change the amount that you need to get drunk or how drunk you truly are, though it has been known to lead to people not realizing how much they can handle and over-drinking.

5. Dark beer is stronger than light beer

Since darker beers look thicker and obviously well, darker, it’s commonly believed that they also come with a larger amount of calories, more carbs and a higher alcohol content. However, unless it’s been specifically added, and thus posted on the bottle’s label, a darker beer does not mean a stronger drink.

Beers color is used on the type of grain used to make it, and thus is not a good indicator of how much alcohol is in it. In fact, certain dark beers actually have less alcohol in them and contain fewer calories than light beers.

6. One drink an hour will not get you drunk

It’s a very common belief that limiting yourself to a single drink every 60 minutes will translate into your ability to legally drive and thus not be drunk one hour after your last drink, but this is a very dangerous myth.

For one thing, men and women are built differently. While it may take one length of time for a man to metabolize alcohol, it often takes significantly longer for the average woman to do the same, based on different physiologies.

And, according to doctors, the average rate of alcohol metabolism is 100 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per hour. This means that a 320-pound man could consume 14 grams of alcohol, which is the standard amount in a 12-ounce can of beer and metabolize it in a 60-minute period. But, this also means that anyone who weighs less needs more time, so if you’re not 320 pounds, you might want to rethink this myth.

7. Beer before liquor, never sicker

The idea is if you have a few shots of hard liquor and then switch to beer, your body will handle it a lot better than if you drank them the other way around. But, is there any truth to that? Well, if you believe that, you’re like a lot of other people, but the truth is everything comes down to how much alcohol you consume. No matter what alcoholic beverage you’re drinking, if you drink too many too fast, you’re gonna get sick. The only difference is how much alcohol each type of drink contains. So pace yourselves, people.


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Alcohol Myths

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